Gratitude via photons

I don’t maintain a gratitude journal or anything like that. Or maybe I do? Perhaps my photo collection, and the photos I take, are the very journal I seek. Here are 3 recent shots that spark a little thankful reflection.

March 2024 — Spring is springing here in the northern hemisphere, and it’s a welcome respite from the gray winters. I don’t know what tree this is, and I don’t really care. What matters is that it made my walk nice.
February 2024 — This is a shot from downtown Columbus, catching the very last moment of a sunset, overlooking Interstate 70, a highway that runs from Baltimore to Utah. I’m thankful not only for the sunset and the joys of interstate travel, but also for the job that puts me in the middle of a group of good people doing good things in a city that’s doing its best, too.
February 2024 — Another shot from a walk. But this one is less about the trees or path or winter or spring, but the two subjects. That’s my wife Stephanie, wearing her Wild Scoops sweatshirt we got during our January trip to Alaska, and Whisky, our irascible Cairn Terrier who just turned 10. I love them both and cannot imagine life without them.

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